OpenAI Joins Forces with Global Illumination: A Creative Collision in AI

OpenAI and Global Illumination teams up!


Big news in the AI universe, folks! OpenAI, the geniuses behind ChatGPT (yes, that wild AI chatbot you’ve been hearing about), just shook hands with Global Illumination. That’s right, they’ve snagged the New York-based startup that’s been dabbling in all kinds of cool AI-driven creative tools and digital experiences.

Now, for those of you who’ve been tracking OpenAI, you’ll know this is their first public buyout in a spicy seven-year journey. The details of the deal? They’re playing coy on that one. But what we do know is that the whole Global Illumination team is now part of the OpenAI family and will be sprinkling their magic on core products like ChatGPT.

So who’s behind Global Illumination, anyway? Well, they’re the brainchild of Thomas Dimson, Taylor Gordon, and Joey Flynn. These guys have been everywhere from Instagram and Facebook to YouTube, Google, Pixar, and even Riot Games. In short, they know their stuff.

Remember Instagram’s Explore tab and the way it seems to know what you like? Dimson had his fingers in that pie, working wonders on discovery algorithms and all sorts of other IG goodness.

Oh, and if you’re into gaming, you might’ve heard of Biomes—a Minecraft-like game that’s all theirs. What’s going to happen to it? No one’s quite sure, but chances are, OpenAI’s interest isn’t in the gaming arena.

So why is OpenAI jumping into the acquisition game now? Maybe they’re hunting for that commercial victory. You see, ChatGPT made waves, but it also cost them a whopping $540 million to create. That’s no pocket change! They made a cool $30 million in revenue last year, but the buzz is that CEO Sam Altman has bigger fish to fry. We’re talking about boosting that to $200 million this year and a dreamy $1 billion next year.

One thing’s for sure: the OpenAI + Global Illumination combo is one to watch. Who knows where this collaboration will take us? The AI game’s heating up, and it’s never been a better time to be a part of it. Stay tuned!
